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FAQs for publishers
Why is the content free?
What kind of editorial control do we have over the content?
Do we need to link to experts in any way?
Is the content 100% unique?
Who owns the content?
What’s the difference between a "Quotes" and an "Q&A Article" request on Featured?
How are quotes selected for Articles?
How are quotes selected for Quote requests?
Are the quotes I receive fact-checked?
What if Featured experts reach out and ask for edits post-publication?
Expert questions
What are your editorial preferences?
Can publishers edit my quote and add internal links?
Where are my answers published?
What if I have a question or concern regarding my published insight?
How do you ensure the content is of high quality?
How do I know when my answer has been selected?
What are seats and how many should I purchase when upgrading my account?
Do credits expire?
Do I still get 3 answers every month?
Can I apply credits to Bylines + interviews?
General FAQs
How are answers selected?
Do I get a backlink to my site?
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